Sunday, September 14, 2008

the movement is where we take it

Hey- checking in here. We are leaving today from San Cristobal to a rural area in Chiapas for 5 weeks. We'll be learning directly about the indigenous struggle and experiencing some amazing things- like communal ways of life in practice and efforts to restore political autonomy and peace... sorry for a lack of details- just hard to explain in a general and open blog.

Anyway, I've been here a week and continue to have a great time. We're engaging in class discussion over things like US Cultural attitudes and reading cool things like: historical origins of radical political economy. By contrast, I'm realizing things about ways of life in the U.S. that are so ingrained in us and therefore I have become blind to- and that are severely problematic. Like individualism- a big one- that entails a serious lack of community that is endemic to indigenous lifestyles. With community comes a common understanding of decision-making, school, and everything from there. Kids know how to take responsibility for things and people know how to take care of themselves and those around them unlike I’ve ever seen before. And instead of trying to figure out the world’s largest questions alone, there are solutions grounded in collectivity. I’ve been writing a lot about it and am happy to discuss more with anyone interested.

I've been tasting all the local treats- from a drink of corn and cocoa called Pozol, Chayote soup, and a whole lot of fresh corn tortillas. still a lot of my favorites are available at the outdoor market- avacado, mango, nuts, berries-- everything imaginable. I love taking it all in- standing in the square and looking around to find myself out of my usual element but around a beautiful convergence of where I have been and where I am going- to be exactly where I need to be.

At the university we stayed at, I got to know some of the youth who come from indigenous communities in the area. Most of the time, their second language is Spanish just as it is mine (first being an indigenous language) , so we have a nice basis for communication. What a humble culture… friendly, although somewhat shy towards a group of white Americans. We broke through barriers and had a lot of fun.

I'm about to head out to explore San Cristobal a bit more before we leave. The Zocalo (main plaza) is full of activity right now, I think because of the imminent Mexican independence day next week. Take care everyone and write me emails or comments or something. I won’t have much internet if any during the next 5 weeks but will check it when I can.

Amor- Claudia

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